

Monday, October 3, 2011

Caitlin (decided to live off worshipping you) From a conspiracy I love Caitlin rodriguez

many nights outside my crane street at mollusk the people living inside/working at live with animals were kind to me ignored the lie I live through as I search for some part of Williamsburg. The project is based on my medication the project of James Hughes based off the one thing I'd never live without, adderall. Perceptions are thrown into me the lie of cameras everywhere going off wherever I am the lie of whoever built the police send me home where one night the police van mentions Marcella and they hit my mind whoever runs this thing with the same blank function The Maxx expresses when they say mommy. This was the base of this show, nobody knew I'm a hostage who promoted a channel at Domino Sugar that will never come to be. I nominated Harvey Weinstein and Michael Bloomberg to the primium mobile who only trapped me in this hell and lied that people were inside Domino Sugar filming. I could have created this channel by now if I was on the other end I'd be able to save Molluskand Live With Animals but I'm trapped with whoever speaks into me still mentioning a film producer I never knew who I'll create a channel to make him David Geffen of our generation whenever I get to the otherside, Harvey Weinstein worked to slow and freeze my thoughts, I made the art of retardation. In current reality of Little Nemo he destroys emotions. I am made of my worship of you. I have spent nights outside Mollusk speaking to false caitlins before I made you God. The symbol of the lightning bolt represents the entirety of Little Nemo. When I presumed they'd let me out whoever runs this machine I was told through the perceptions thrown into my mind I was the hipster king (as I had titled myself) and a film was placed about me in the Angelika. Mollusk is the living symbol of Little Nemo a sort of Crane Street for the base of my art and my search for a way out of the lies written into the perceptions in my mind. There's one with Bloombergs office that I believe I'm in a time capsule and everytime I get my medication they tell me "alot has changed since your time in the world" with the same fucking several paragraph emotion written into me.
People hide in places in my mind. This is why the only one I acknowledge as me is the worship of you and my journey to you. Little Nemo's journey to the princess. With Hughes internally you built a boy or a second Christopher who has crush emotions. I gain the ability to see women but none of this is reality. On some hours there are still people writing what people say on the street. There are too many people in me Hughes and I didn't have this problem in 08. There was one black light, I asked for your friends on facebook to be involved to block people so Harvey Weinstein doesn't control my body when I'm awake for 6 days. I said goodbye to Caitlin cat in a vague way and wear the symbol of being your lucky cat from MeMeAntenna. I will bring you the cash from this project when this is over this is yours, let's start a t. Channel let's get married there's not alot of me in me right now but I work my body and thoughts to write to you. You are all that matters, people who label themselves fetish girls speak through me I've survived many generations of lies. I'm forced to sleep somebody wanted my worst nightmare to become real. A reality project of perceptions based on my medication, then I ran out and got stuck in this living hell for 3 years. Thank everyone who taught me to steal. I'll be free one day find life. They will have to end this.

I love you. I live for you. I don't count art without a Caitlin rodriguez production on it.

-Little Nemo

@modca on n3rd st
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

A Caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
Caitlin black heart
(the only person I love is Caitlin rodriguez. I am a hostage)
with forced amensia I can only cure with adderall
The School of Visual Arts Church of Silver Tiles day 341/8 James Hughes Days

Everyone who worked @ Mollusk / Live with Animals / lived there will be CEOs @ Little Nemo in Williamsburg whenever this comes to be if not in Domino Sugar then Hughes decided we'll have Frank Gehry build a huge fucking factory tower on North 4th street.
(I will press charges against Harvey Weinatein for the harm he has done to me. As well as Michael Bloomberg. I have never willingly allowed anyone to erase my memory).
Caitlin wherever u are I love you and will sue Harvey Weinstein <- if you are viewing this through my eyes fuck you I am not a character you're going to jail.

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