

Friday, October 28, 2011

The revolution will be televised via the hipster king : Williamsburg, Brooklyn

it's fucking inspiration to be at occupy Wallstreet. It gives me the belief that a television station is possible in Williamsburg out of my hostage state and through the years of lies despite all of the people on the other end of my radiowave hostage crisis (I don't know what the fuck these people think has been going on these years; I've been trying to create a Williamsburg tv station out of the word Little Nemo. I said this last night when one of them told me they're would be nothing left that represents me if I wrote Hughes compass on Domino Sugar (at the base symbol point where I first placed the heart restoration symbol). The factory is not a figurative creative symbol of my childhood in limbo it represents how I've been lied to how Hughes and I have worked on both ends to create a television station through blogs/physical art and my eyes. It's people like occupywallstreet literally children of mirc that are going to save me and make this thing real. It's the only way I can make your friends CEOs in the real world. The revolution is made of nu media, a mass promotion through all art forms available / NYC outlets we have available. Little Nemo will be created via hipster hackers, whoever in Williamsburg actually knows I exist, whoever is helping me under you and Hughes on the other side and fellow happy mutants (like everyone at occupy Wallstreet). I live in a bleak oddity world that I once believed to start when Gulianni found out I wasn't really republican (I joined NYC young republicans with the plan to destroy them from the inside gain their trust and then at 80 give the democrats their cash. Undo the moral majority one issue voter stealing of the house, prevent another triple republican house/senate/white house). In summary Jamea Hughes' hells kitchen creation was total recall with the democrats needing water.
I don't know how many times in homelessness I've said the word republican. It seems to be a psychological protection against accepting the situation, against the people on the other end who speak to me with tones of regularity in my existence. I don't know how or why I'd accept this. They can't legally hold me. In the meantime I promote the concept on my end living the same as everyone at occupy Wallstreet (the longterm dream to enact the Williamsburg Arts District. As your husband, my dream: our Peter Gatien economy distributed to the Michael Alig's of occupy Wallstreet. Mass factory warehouses I purchase others / you purchase is the dream of skittles king and queen. Cleopathra and king tut (because of your 2008 myspace and the Cleopathra picture; implying you believed in my religion as well: AMORC reincarnations, internal activation. King tut is later at hart street which I believe reflects you but was never one of my reincarnations).
This was outside Broome Street in 2010 in the false lie of my nightmare. There's an entire plotline about you partying queen of my dead friend and the heroin addicts from Connecticut. I don't even enact what the space should have been used for, reenactment of easy/lucky/free.
I create a imaginary girlfriend in Ashley Olsen. Imaginary you approves. This is a year you signal me to galleries to steal. Somebody implies from what I think you'd do that you'd do this. All of this is a lie, the reason I hate Harvey Weinstein and whoever was on the other end. The reason I hate the mayors office who made me a child and in fear of homelessness and hunger created a promo for his presidential campaign. They then notice become interest offended when I smoke a cigarette and start blocking them. This is the era of time with the magick mayor who purchases property and places the most disgusting homelessness into my mind under the word republican. This is the mayor who forces me to become a child to make art. This is the mayor I expose to whoever was on the other end that day claiming to be you (where I make an art piece for a million dollars. Where you argue and worry if we take the $.)
live astro got rid of bloomberg when I took the North 10 street paper machet guns across from the roadrunner and made it my kill bloomberg symbol. This got rid of him, you led me to this or whoever says they're you. Somebody wanted to help me end his dimension.
This ends my association to this man. He doesn't appear to threaten me anymore or speak through me. The false phone calls between Harvey Weinstein and bloomberg with a lone shark graphic are gone. Now there's simply truth and sometimes a reference to your skin something to feed me something to make worthwhile being alive after bushwick and the corner of the frame that you put around her face never manifested you, I used to sing the anniversary to this. I used to openly dream of you through hostage chats and hell. The people used to speak to me bang on the wall to communicate back. Until I told them to fuck off because you didn't appear on my birthday. The point of this was you. I don't know who was next door. How many eras of Little Nemo had a robotic creation princess. I won't know until I find you arienette. Perhaps then I'll understand why the people on the other end have never reacted at the placements of my theosophy of Caitlin. The entirety of my life and the city based on you. Pratt as a sacred place a shy boy couldn't hit on you, emotions of you dreams of you and your brillance filter from the memory of seeing you at pratt through the hipster lit joints and areas placed visually to lead me to reality through the graffiti art that you're made of until I have my medication and can build thoughts.
I'm forever 27 this year; I learned how everyone fucked me (but Hughes) I learned how nobody told you of the shell system and later of the project itself. I learned I hate Harvey Weinstein. That James created me a system to return to life through symbols of you. I've spent years in a lie, I came to the conclusion to live in a rigion of you. At every level I will add until I'm I again. Each step of the way I create symbols that worship you translate my universalism into a religion of you the only way a hostage who's built several hopeless lie scenarios to you with my princess in another castle. Era. Script.
I decided in Fairfield, Connecticut that you'd be God of this thing because I was never speaking to you, lied to and through a playworld game with Harvey Weinstein who told me he owned the Brooklyn Navy yard on bed 50. My reality involves a tv station with James Hughes in Williamsburg. I don't know what the fuck the rest of these people are talking about. Not apart of silver tiles not apart of the hacker esoteric game to save Lisa from the British FBI. Alex Blevins probably has to morph the mayor's office I don't know. I'll find out when I get tithe other end (who the children of Lord Nykon are who work to save Crash Overwrite you're dear violette who wishes to marry you. Zero Cool died in Hells Kitchen qnd was clearly fucked since he had to pretend to be dead to hear the people on the other end who wanted him to be Mike)

I love u

-Little Nemo

A Caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black Caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 368/8 James hughes days

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