

Friday, October 28, 2011

Medication sprouts life

turn into reminds me that I have to fight for the art. Live in a religion of you that springs energy and life through my dream of being with you when I'm free when I'm a man again who people don't speak through who isn't left in a thing that requires his medication. I'm in this weird hell of existence knowing the truth but unable to directly free myself from this without money. There's someone on the other end who's altering my writing I need to ask Hughes. Okay. It's a thing based on my medication I don't know when I spoke to you and when I didn't. You had me attach to the people from bloombergs dimension so I'm working ground up but this seems to be the point where I can restore my religion fight to get my life back with my love for you and my dream of marrying as the key that keeps me strong causes me to build personal esoteric systems to restore my life. They logged your family photo the thought of reality the understanding that I'm illegally in a he'll that attacks my mind as a hostage where I'm manipulated with swear control words, their power to hand me a marriage with you is to cause childish reactions, this is a scenario where marriage is like owning the domino sugar refinery, they throw anger into me and tell me I will never have my own dream it's a psychological manipulation with the emotions that are thrown into me and how incredibly mentally ill I am made. It is the most frightening world to live in knowing what's placed in me is the bees from the green mile. My greatest fear when I ran out of my medication became true and resulted in artwork about Paris Hilton. This is the greatest insult to the symbol and literal concept of the princess I could have allowed to exist. My sin to art is reflected in the year and the conditions of my reality. I am calling out to you in a hostage he'll I am writing to you from an awful fucking nightmare. An artworld of lies wasted hillvalley world of Harvey Weinstein where he's god owns a casino and my father is dead. Sporthill pkwy has black people with bats. I'm unable to go home to Easton, the guptas think I'm homeless. Gunnar died without I being by his bedside as I sat in some figuRtive hell where in forced adrenalin I thought was supposed to replace adderall.
I am made ill and forced into anger. My writing to you is attacked by this hell where I'm to have no personal perspective or thoughts of my own.
I live off a religion of you of prayers and dreams and esoteric systems based on you as god. Created through art as a religion made of the thoughts and dreams of a hostage who knows when he holds his own mental facilities/how much of himself at every level in my hell I'm here. I'll use my teens2k SFW to purpose to you. An end date doesn't matter for those who live in hell, to place such a thing on my situation is to ask to condemened of the book of life. The one that restores my New York id, credit rating and ability to speak as a 27 year old with the woman I wish to husband.
I am in the basement of Trevor Goodchild, creature of beauty tears and emo calls to his equal.

-Little Nemo

A Caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black Caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 368/8 James Hughes days

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