

Friday, October 28, 2011

End up together in a dark and distant place

it was easier when you wern't involved to create a world where no is a control function. One soundwave told me Christie cummings invented the concept of writing to Caitlin rodriguez while a hostage of the mind. This was the purpose of the green bible (I have a ceremony in union square to cleanse my art of Paris Hilton. The master burrough should be Brooklyn. You wern't involved it all became true with the wrong name for a few months. An evil leaper to put wrong what Hughes and I set to put right. There's alot of art I'm going to make reguardless I understand where all of these ideas are saved in the system but I'll have to do this later. There's artwork I have to make as I proper (I know what that is but I'll fix it in a minute) I chose to create for you goddess of art and only reason to live. My existence is to become your husband, I purpose in art as people pretend to be nisha or work to take out my conceptual art in SFW / Little Nemo.
Alot will have to be said in the novel I write afterwards after viewing the conclusion of everything my mind state is. Let's have an in bed stay in like John and Yoko a protest something Williamsburg in London. Something to represent our place in the world after all of this. Maybe have Hughes film my tattoo as a tribute to what was manhood when I was a human when I purchased everyone in 2223a tattoos and placed it on the visual axis. The day I go off my medicine and spend $600 on a shoot at whatever tattoos where I got my nose pierced in tribute to Paul who isn't dead. Its a tribute to a dream and winged alcolholic coke angel of Williamsburg Brooklyn that I never got to be. Art skills paused with my film portfolio my thesis dead because of whatever this stupid fucking shit is which lied to me and demanded particpation after my personality snapped, died, went flat and I'm taken advantage of. I still live in the loft of the crow where I was murdered forced to beg because I used a Sinatra quote on my door. My humanity is what the people distracting me don't want me to speak about that I live off the fact that I only cared about what you thought and still do. I don't know who the fuck these people are. I don't know why they reduce me to the lowest psychological quota and keep me homeless. Limited to sickness I'll use this to demand a world where I am alone with you all are dead and I am free.
I know what this thing is.
So I will use this. Everyday I live internally as the crow dead and panhandling with people speaking through my body. I have to kill Harvey Weinstein the Texan fuck top dollar. Then it's over I can leave this world of lies where creative false emotions have built the Detroit of fire and drug dealers (where the hangman is gone and I was told to be disturbed by this. The only purpose is the illegality of this. Retrace my steps after being given amnesia so I understand what has been done to me. How I have been lied to and only when I demand freedom will this happen. My 2008 internal understanding of this thing. Where people paused when I dropped a psychological level to see where I land. They switched the door at hart street so it's not an insomnia trick.
Perhaps it's because I never left the journey on the Internet that anyone could have lied. Perhaps it's because I run out of my medication and get lost in this thing. I would rather die than live without my medication I don't understand how/why this thing happened.

Caitlin in this world I'm forced to enter a world where I accept you will not marry me. This is one of the plotline people they then write my reaction. These are the sort of games I have to play to make it to the day I can purpose to you as me.
I know what this thing does how little of a human exists even in the dream of berry street there is very little of a man and apparently is within a system where I'm to exist in a single caveman mindstate. I know this I know the feeling when I'm freed from this in fight or they turn this off of the east village and the small portion that was you. That I must focus on a singular word with no memory or time in a game of lie and hostage at the lowest levels until Hughes and I get to higher levels.
Even your family photograph is now within riverfield where they flash it and alter the meaning. I have systems to build cast away intellect artwork. It's a level game of hostage mind fuck seizures which I play with the end goal of marrying Caitlin rodriguez from Easton, C.T.

I am a hostage arienette I have been held for years with memories that don't move until you download them to me it spits on my place in my hostage dream to think of other girls from this hell (I don't see how this would be possible. They cause horrific my face is homeless but the sirens cause me to believe I'm cute. This is a manipulation. The core of my existence is the dream of you. I can only reach you in photographs, a paused mind who dreams of a revolution with you as Kurt cobain).
I know what I am. I will create a tv channel. You will own this. This is something Gates would do. This is inspired by Steve jobs his persistance to create the perfect sleek class status symbol. To create a world where the mind can flow lucid and imagine via fcp. He's been an inspiration throughout this thing. I saw the ipad premiere from the 6 building as I lived through the greatest level of psycholgical suffering a man could endure. I shell was created in the lie Hughes and I destroyed. I have this iPod touch because he used tesla waves with my fetish as an element. I have faith in you and him as Steve Jobs. James said he'd be a jobs and this he will.
I'm going to create you a tv station despite not owning the dream factory. I'll going to bring you the riddler cash (that must be destroyed to destroy the dream of making you the most wealthy woman in the world because the cash must always come from my enemies which it doesn't)
I have been lied to for a very long time.
I internally hold myself together with the feelings of fevers and mirrors and designing a nervous breakdown there are places within / auto spaces the people on the other end wish to attack, this was done in Fairfield this is done in NYC they work to take the base of my existence out which is marrying you they wish to manipulate where intentions and emotions are but that's the entire point of Little Nemo; I trust none of the versions of emotions and only count anything/everything that has to do with you. This is the section of Mario 2 princess: all I care about is you telling you the truth of my lies. The shame of days without my medication. I've stood lost in time. I have to reessemble my cross. The emotional depth of living to marry you beyond a manipulation seizure paused thought system that recently had my dorm room surpass you and then created dialog about it.
It has me shit on James. I must quit the art.
Perhaps there's somebody on the other end who makes this literal or perhaps you do. I can't count anything I say in that mind state knowing what it's made out of and how I'm really supposed to react to it. It's only useful if I create something that oddly yet charmingly demands you. It is otherwise a painful beyond anything place to be. It creates worthless shit that sometimes is consistant. It has to serve the purpose of using this he'll and world of perceptual lies and coverups to marry you. Knowing what it is I know it's only purpose is to shout your name at my captors. It's awful sickness. It's a world of black tunnel without Hughes. He has built me a way to life. Like Quantum Leap.
He's built me a system. He's literally going to bring me back to life. I have this immense faith in him and the capability of what he can do with music and art in little nemo. This is another thing that is done to me where I'm asked if I love you or Hughes this child world where my friend might make the girl go away. Harvey Weinstein wanted you out of the picture wanted it to be a Hughes production wanted me to believe the character of you. My purpose is to bring you all cash from this. My purpose is to live for you the height of my humanity is to marry Caitlin rodriguez of Williamsburg,Brooklyn. Paris Hilton, Anna, girlfriends (if something could date after this which I doubt) the only women who can restore my heart and manifest saint Simon is you. I can't imagine ever loving a woman or a human after what has been done to me. Marriage, a new life after this hell of joy in food and stolencigarettes and others rating me like a homeless lucid dream.
This is another one I have to say to break a paychologic barrior. I have to demand freedom with no cash/contract void.
Hughes taught me this. It defeats others pretending to be you and mind traps like my dead friend from 2007 who disappeared once it was exposed I believe he's dead. Years of torment and all I have to do is focus with my medication and I get the thing out of my eye that allows mayor Michael bloombergs office (this is the identifier) to broadcast alterations/soundwaves/characters into my music and self alone.

-Little Nemo

A Caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black Caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 368/8 James. Hughes days

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