

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

nothing to write about

The person on the other end wants me to wait to write, until I've accomplished entering williamsburg until I have sex to write about. I don't really think this is the way a blog is done and I don't really believe in the honest voice I think it's better to copy the way somebody else speaks in a film than to write for yourself.
There's nothing I could say when people change the impressions of what I write when I can steal all of my writing capabilities from Brett Easton Ellis. How can I change the writing of Brett Easton Ellis who represents the upper class of L.A. and lives in N.Y.C. who was in a suburban aurora like our Fairfield, Connecticut. Something that milks off the tit of a city. Not our city with our history of Lou Reed but another false city I've never ventured to but find to represent everything I hate in life, false L.A. with hollywood which ran from the film industry because it was cold to create something on the other side, separate from our center of media N.Y.C. I'm going to make williamsburg, brooklyn the center of media internationally. Pervuian hipsters will know about us, I'm at my occupy wall street leap which I also believe is a way to keep Barak Obaama in the white house.

Watching Kurt Cobain I see the external expression of the indigo child. I am this my existence and restoration directly connected to the upper class. There is nothing without fashion and the upper class.

The hands on the other end this fucking awful smell that's created out of a retina pattern wants to control me, it wants to control my upcoming thoughts and what I write about and create a world I don't consider my artwork or consider apart of anything. This is a separate world of art I call hill valley that involves a seizure and acting an building this lie where I'm forced to say the opposite of everything I believe in.
I would rather never make artwork again than continue the artwork of this, Jesus Christ Art Star a lie where my thoughts are looped and I say the same phrase.

There's a woman on the other end who wants history to claim that it was nicotine that made me creative but this isn't how this works she's chosen to take over my upcoming thoughts to play a pulley tug of control. My medication is the only thing that's ever made me creative not cigarettes I could quit smoking but I can't read without my medication.

There's an argument with her on sexuality vs intellect. This isn't a real argument and isn't really something that I consider as apart of me. Simply because she can stop my words doesn't mean that I believe in smoking as the root of creativity. This isn't an argument this is a conversation she wishes to have about the human mind, if you take a monkey and he likes sex does the monkey enjoy what makes him sexual? Intellect will always rule over sexuality, that's essentially the end of that argument.

I love you

-Little Nemo

A caitlin rodriguez production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 408/8 james hughes days 

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