

Sunday, December 25, 2011

sent into psychosis if I fail

caitlin ,
everytime i see how many posts exist in caitlin rodriguez husband I want to shoot myself.
It takes an immensely long time to get these things off my eye.
remember the financial district
a note to myself about how these fucking people took over my body took over the center of my brain wanted me to make shitty art forced me to forget and wanted it to be a  good thing
I hid in tim willis house when they first came into my mind, they couldn't understand why they couldn't penetrate me.
I need tools the religion is literal self forming on symbols based off my medication/focus/making you god $ w/hughes and the girl I named Tracey Flick who I told I loved in the morning when I gained a small sense of reality which was gone quickly.
If I don't get these people out they say worthless catch phrases
they leave me updates and highlighted words that harvey weinstein has chosen to be associated to him
this is the only word chosen to irritate me aside from currently christie cummings
I remember my memories being erased in 2008. To an empty seizuring
i can use the internet now. this had me unable to move after prison. fear and suffering was all harvey weinstein placed into me.
I cannot handle how long it takes me to get them out of me. If I fail I'm thrown into a state of anger with voices projected into me. Today they say Harvey Weinstein, they used to say the most famous woman paris hilton. It's all a state of psychological sickness. If I succeed I gain apart of myself and a chance to find out what happens when I reconnect to the people who used to speak directly to me not in low wave alpha voices but in their direct voices.
I haven't won probably end up in a state of moveable sickness but able to panhandle not forced to sleep for 14 hours a day which I am as body/caitlinrodriguezhusband.
Leaving apple store now. I previously explained this in an earlier era of this. 08.
I am a fucking ghost of nyc my graffiti art; ghost letters to you, purposal to marry me and create a tv station in williamsburg where I was told I own domino/pfizer. I wrote palindromes 1991 paris hilton prototype which is my bond with tracey flick who came up with this concept of little nemo art with me in 2007 before my mind snaps in the level that takes memories if you don't complete the art quick enough "your soul" my bond with her is her pretending to be you/taking care of me/with hughes building me out of harvey weinstein and into the real world/show/exit.
For many years I believed you to be a celebrant that I was using Harvey Weinstein to get you connections into hollywood and for our williamsburg brooklyn tv station which we were to make once I was free, after our marriage. Creating the art was like being away at war and in return my wife was taken care of, something like Al in Quantum Leap. None of these attempts to win you were true and I still have to beat the original item I signed into.
I love you. Gained very little senses, failed to get anyone out. James has a logic build function to do this project from the street/the psychological limbo of venues as the apple store/occupy wall street.
It's necessary; symbols are no longer accessible as my 2007 apartment and I could end up in prison hence a child system in required.
There's a mass accompaniment of artwork in my descent into psychosis/homelessness/harvey weinstein.
James/I/"tracey flick" work to create the same at this point as I re-enter society and find my medication. The entirety of the project is based on shire biopharmesudicals/art/belifs and focus on the human mind.
The others in the project are on computers somewhere in n.y.c. they are unable/will not come to me until I reach the psychological ego state I had when the project started in 2006 (with all of the internal functions which were psychologically activated via my legally prescribed medication. This is a project documenting the actual indigo: ADD children treated and with the ability to grow genius via adderall.)
The book I wrote today/art piece labeled "palindromes 1991 paris hilton prototype" is a dedication to my work with tracey during the error of time without james hughes and the church of silver tiles (which serves as a metaphorical function in quantum leaping in art/project since this started at the school of visual arts).
I carry this book/bag with a note to myself when I'm going to run out of my medication worried the people on the other end will leave me in psychosis/fuck me and make me a child. This happens and I live in penn station until I find the medication. I gravitate to the book/bag/note. I never read the note which describes everything that happens including "paris hilton" who is invented by somebody who claimed to be michael bloomberg. Although I believe the real paris hilton was involved for a period of time I cannot definite this and likely was simply based off her clip and my belief in the upper 1% as the proper ruling race of the world/sexual attraction to wealthy women only).
During the period of time I run out of my medication "Michael Bloomberg" creates a mockery suffering rule where people associated to him can tell me only what I know until I figure out what has gone wrong (a citizen kane to be born punishment clause).

During 2008 the belief/memory of you is based off Sarah O'donnahuge. James Hughes has all of my ideas with him/belief systems in friends and behavioral patterns stored in the album "the anniversary" - designing a nervous breakdown
(including the concept of creating artwork as body and returning to the real world to bring the $ to you, the hipster queen and to the graffiti artists of williamsburg brooklyn. Via using little nemo to literally make me a graffiti artists and post this period of time, when I finish the project, I ascend to wealth/heaven)
I accessed this information/emotions when I reached the real levels of the project with Hughes/Eric and our work/the spiritual art plane of the project.
Bloomberg or who claims to be/causes the seizure caused me to seizure which destroyed the emotions and connection and left me in the psychological sickness mode (emotionless fake art, usually with one symbol or word thrown into a psychotic newspaper which I cannot control until I get the element that causes this off my eye. )

-little nemo

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 426/8
james hughes days

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