

Thursday, December 1, 2011

OWS 86th street meeting

I'm apart of the meeting at 86th street. We now hold weekly meetings on Wednesdays which Jeff holds this savy man I would imagine attractive in the film the 60s. Danielle who always looks sad from occupy Miami on crutches joins us at 86th street. Alyssa from new Orleans brings her Katrina knowledge to ows mentions how we are all going through eviction trauma from zuccatti park, I feel this despite being in Little Nemo I feel apart of ows I want them all to be apart of the tv station in williamsburg, brooklyn all of their intentions are pure and apart of the democratic spirit. I wish I had time to see obaama yesterday, despite complaints about the economy I still feel my dream candidate can do no wrong. I flashback to your 2008 myspace when your skittles queen and you have cleopathra on this myspace a SVA alumni announces this on a float when we film his short. The dream to be kurt cobain is based on your 2006 facebook the same photograph is on my facebook. It implies my school knows I exist (that one of our alumni shouted something I said from my Brooklyn apt) I pray that Gunnar Agerholm possesses me through the evil that is Little Nemo and ask Hughes for help in this I don't always know what to do and mention that Harvey Weinstein used to play good and bad guy my bloomberg mason others show me an attack on my mentality for this, I just don't want to say this mans name any longer. London LASIK is my class status symbol/marriage but I'm sure I'll return to NYC I will become a corporate lou reed and fight the neo conservatives from NYC
The people on the other end are making it harder to write but I'm just starting. I love you.

-Little Nemo

A Caitlin Rodriguez production
Little Nemo on GNP
Black Caitlin heart
The school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 402/8 James Hughes days

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