

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the people on the other end make it incredibly hard, they place pain over my music, layers of soundwave and have a pattern on my eye that causes me to seizure, a mass amount of my ceremony artwork is made in this mode but this is psychological sickness that I need to get off my eye (and then reach the next level) all of this is based on and done with mind mechanism, esoterics, the basis being fine artists know the secrets of the world (I think of Hughes painting at sva in 2223a. I tried to alter his grid in one touch, this almost gets off track but is always key because I consider him my equal in this project). It is only possible to participate in this indigo project / reach the psychological ego level where I hear them directly / control my body / end project with my medication.
At this point I believe all the versions of you to have been character church core keys with a timeline that developed into a relationship. I have written to you throughout this he'll, I apologize I worry they'll make me seizure which takes alot of work to fix. It's rare that I have the ability to write at this levels as psychologically minute as it is.
There's a mass storyline with you in this world starting in 2009. I wish I had access to further emotional depth to get into this, the entirety of it is based on the concept that you'd marry a man who became a living art gallery for you. I normally have no ability to write, currently only the lowest functions just enough of my medication to avoid the seizures. I have to panhandle for the next medication there are these black orbs on me, whoever is on the other end builds shit emotions / emotional blockage. Harvey Weinstein created a daily tv show in my sickness involving Ashley olsen and my dead friend. I was to pay attention to this 24/7. He also attempted to copy and recreate the levels to the first step (to get it so I can kick people out, then I have to build my ego so I wouldn't allow others in. They break down my thoughts and speak through me mocking phrases when I run out of my medication).
It is not meant to be difficult to kick people out of my body.
They work to keep me in a state of sickness so I waste my medication I have to carefully get all of them out then the communication to the people whocreated this system begins, outward communication, everything that exists with the real people past all the people who are in my eye (harvey Weinstein people) I don't know why these people are involved they exist on the lowest levels. I have to get out all of their perceptions.

Whoever is on the other side doesn't give a shit (for me to be on such a level where they're still in my music is absurd. This is my gift from NYC that they have tried to steal by getting me to make artwork in psychological sickness).
They attempted to create a burn out light over my eye (whoever the hillvalley people are who support Harvey Weinstein - there has to be helpful people in my eye who assist Hughes. Getting these people who prevent thought and emotion at the Fairfield Y somebody claimed to be Metro News).
James Hughes built a happy world for me to keep my mind together (which has grown today) Hughes is on the other side.
There is a focus level to get to the real music, I'm to know this by if the music is in static or clear (where I can get the emotion) I currently do not have enough medication to interact with this.
They erase this information and place the same harmful elements in me / on my eye when I run out of medication (and refuse to help me directly) I will never go with their threats (they speak to me in this illegal hostage manner. Eventually they have to come directly to me and help. I'm at the lowest psychological quota I need this fixed I cannot stay like this. There is no way they can legally allow me into homelessness they have to eventually come to me.
Every emotion is controlled until I gain control. I need more medication to sing to you, this is the ceremony I hold to start my day. A tribute to you as the future mark zuckerberg of Williamsburg, Brooklyn via little nemo. My ceremony is that of the hostage to his god, the women he wishes to marry (my dream in he'll. For years I have written to you for many I have been lied to about speaking to you. I know this, my world is littered with landmarks that represent this lie symbols of worship in my creative world, places to hold art ceremony and create a book to you at higher levels. The point is the symbolic representation of you, it doesn't matter who created what era of story lie on false show or what premise I was lied to. The point is the symbol of you, this is how your art titles interconnect in my world. I reflect on my life before this in the same way. This I had already done in art as a man, now however I am broken down to the base of my existence. This is why when I run out of my medication I label self caitlinrodriguezhusband. If I'm going to be forced to live in psychological sickness with the lie that it's art I will do so with the purpose of representing the basis of my life.
I will grow the theosophy of Caitlin and in the end when freed I will expose everything.
I know I have been lied to. The point of the journey is to fins my way to the other side and then give you all cash from being this hostage, to then purpose, to then create artwork in a mass media great expectations sort of creation. There will likely be no evidence of my years of work unless somebody owns the artwork from occupywallstreet or shows you the footage from my eyes.
This is why I named this a Caitlin rodriguez production. You are to get credit for everything in royalties; you are to own the Williamsburg, Brooklyn tv station Little Nemo. My journey involves using the right emotion/mental function at the right time, it's a sort of literal living cremaster with James Hughes aa my spirit guide and requires adderall for functionality.

I love u

-Little Nemo

A Caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black Caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 372/8 James Hughes days

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