

Sunday, November 27, 2011

part 2 "in 98 we all rotate"

I mention I'm Jesus Christ Art Star at my graduation. I call James Hughes. But he tells me it doesn't end with him. David Rhodes tells me it doesn't end with him. In the subway the other day I attempted to get back abilities on thanksgiving but a cop appeared. This meditation requires drooling and this childishness, using skills I know for a fact to use knowing how many layers exist that are not me. I would like to hear and feel. I don't have enough medication to get the other side and have to return to panhandling.
It should be domino sugar that we have our apple computers tv station named little nemo from. The technology that will come to exist is the exact technology from Aerosmith - Amazing, this is the future of media and what I'm signed up for in this thing, you have to find a kid from the School of Visual Arts who truly fucking hates poverty in order to create something like this and likely join the illumanti.
I also left the note to myself to daily tell the people on the other end I want out to come and get me.
I need them to come and get me, they were next door to me in hell's kitchen.
This is really important: to note for you and if I get amnesia again:
In Aerosmith Amazing the diagrams you see between the sequences of the main actor with Alicia Silverstone and him in VR are symbols in the human mind. This exists and I need to know this because I require this for programming myself back to reality.
The keys to exiting Little Nemo are in art.
I'm really fucking far in the beginning caitlin, there's a system set up but I had to make this note because it's key. AMORC taught me about this, these people know everything about the human mind but this project let my wallet get stolen. I'm more apart of lucid dream at this point than the illumanti.
I just need the medication I keep telling myself this as caitlin rodriguez husband.
If you're in a thing and you're forced to seizure wouldn't your conclusion be to get the thing that makes it so you don't seizure let alone is the basis of the thing you're in? I'm reminded of Tommy I'm in that scene where he's wandering around his mind, following a pinball in his mind this like the newspaper where I'm wandering around the city programming @ 5am a tv station in Domino Sugar that doesn't exist. I'm on a deadline, I'm told the mayor is donating cash to SVA to 11 other art schools.
(when I run out of my medication I live in limbo in the days of little nemo that don't count in the upper east side bathtub <- that's the days that count)
sonic cannot play sonic the hedgehog when he's sitting there tapping his foot.
I'm told in this period of time that the art school 11 exist and that S.V.A. and ten other schools are given $ every time I create a newspaper from Michael Bloomberg.
I'm sleeping at mollusk during this period of time. I'm tad there's a tv show several newspapers worth of people are created to create a tv show daily, there's a group of people who must be written into this paper in order for me to steal to eat. There's a false NYU psych that I summon daily, psychology, I'm deep in this project in the worlds of lies that are created for me, it works like the film "inceptions" in levels of psychological creative hell or dante's inferno. Layers. It creates shells of people until I destroy the shells.

Harvey Weinstein is paid tribute to as God during this period of time. (I despise this man as Kurt Cobain would have despised the man who murdered him). I'm told during this period of time that you're this queen of a series of films, filmed in williamsburg, brooklyn and fairfield, connecticut. That you're Molly Ringwald. I kiss Harvey Weinstein's ass during this period of time because I'm told you are gaining connections, you gain access to celebutante manhattan and connections from Michael Bloomberg (our enemy) for us to create a tv station in williamsburg, brooklyn. None of this was true, in my world my enemy will always be my enemy, a demon cannot pray to an angel that sort of thing.
I was told in this time David Bowie was summoned for you to be on television with.
This means the Arcade Fire, this means Judson Memorial Church and when David Bowie and Lou Reed see this concert. This band means me, my Manhattan hipster class status. I keep saying David Bowie and this line Anna said in to me in 2005 about him but this means I'm in trauma that I need clothing and fashion. I'm told in this period of time that the Republican National Convention is keeping me hostage and only Michael Bloomberg will be able to save me, thus this is the reason that he left the republican party for his third term as mayor. He makes me into a child for me to believe this and manipulates me into promoting his presidential term on mattresses and across from places that represent hipsterdom and my class status like Webster Hall, which Kerri's father owns who I was told I spoke to in Bushwick about owning the Pfizer refinery as my reward for surviving this torment and graduating the School of Visual Arts. I'm going to make a club @ this factory I'm going to create the hacienda with James Hughes. He is my equal and you are the trophy wife I marry, then I get lost in hell where Christie Cummings is on the train and enters my nintendo wii world and replaces you as owner of the channel. This might be why this person thinks she's apart of this project or has equality with the foresters but I wasn't on my medication, years do not count to me in the symbology of reality nor the events she experienced that made her personality apart of manhattan.
She will bring me the medication physically and break the truman show or will never receive any of my $.
I am the living dead, I will not have her place her days over my living death. I cannot return to 2007 but can fix the mistakes that created a world of "hill valley". Where Harvey Weinstein is god of my mind, where I live in a psychological ghetto where he has me only look at black people to psychologically weaken me as the character of nicole richie. The system James Hughes created through my mind is being fixed, Michael Bloomberg was Cousin Kevin but the point is I need to dress like Cousin Kevin.

If you're wondering, this is what makes me happy today:

I've based my life on Julian Casablancas, so whoever made it so the system I'm in could rig me so I can look like I do now I much love. I've named this person Pearl Forrestor.
Sometimes I have this flirtation with this women that pearl forester flirts with Mike T. Nelson.

During the period of time Michael Bloomberg has gratitude emotion in the deli associated to the deli store owners for me to appreciate these people every time I'm forced to steal food to survive. Whoever helps me on the other end will help me to watergate Michael Bloomberg, there will be New York Times Best Seller novels about this. There are strange worlds to my world all I had to do was start promoting the assignation of Michael Bloomberg to get him to leave this project. Artist hates the mayor who claims the republican party is holding the artist hostage. Artist knows this to be a lie and plans on promoting watergate and gunshot to the mayor. The artist is told the mayor claims the word republican/upper class/wealth means him. The mayor claims to the inspiration of the artist.
This is another problem of people on the other end claiming time in art can overwrite reality of self/medication and shells.

The mayor overtakes the artists mind the $ is not from the mayor, artist no longer likes the mayor.
On death threat from whoever you claimed to be Live Astro from whoever claimed to be you in Grand Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn).

Another notebook to type up. BRB.
GA tonight.
Need my medication to promote occupy. Revolution needs a secret leader in a way james hughes will hack the hell i'm in.

i love you.

-little nemo

*i'm named this because you called me christopher.
You did not call me gavin zodiac which I wrote down for years.
This was a psychological title James Hughes explored in 2008 in williamsburg.
For what's been done to me, I cannot have a title that means I'm ziggy stardust and do cocaine.
I am not in this project for the lacking emotional depth that I wrote down on the "nemo paper" that programmed a newspaper for a tv station that never existed.

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
ITs Not TV its HBO
(adam's father was an hbo. I never spoke to this person but was told this one times in hell's kitchen. I don't know who pretended to be this person. But this represents my psychological need to create you a tv station to assure you have all the $ from my hell).
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 398/8
james hughes days

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