

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

when you're young you have ideas and no $ when you're old you have $ and no ideas - how to make it in america (its not tv its hbo)

I am made out of the skyine I see this scene in made in America where they're on the boat and one of the main characters is on a boat affront the skyline for years I have dreamed of a factory that will never be a tv station. When all I needed was my medication to find my way to the other side. I'm with one of our ceos anyone who gets me my medication. I dream I live of our skyline. Of Manhattan. I am made of the island of manhattan, your channel should be at our shore in williamsburg, at the factory that has been the center of my existence since 2008. Just because I dream does not make it real. I love you.
Later in the night I end up @ Goodbye Blue Monday on broadway in east williamsburg. I see one of our occupy wall street signs. This is the way to communicate to me if anybody knew I existed. The band mentions hackers, if art hacking was real in this thing you'd mention this. You'd mention this because I need help to get to the other side. The plague is Harvey Weinstein and I gave the disc to the enemy for a period of time. I am crash overwrite I need help to reach the other side. They play Elton John. You'd mention Elton John if you knew I existed because everything I do in fashion in based on him. I find on the myrtle avenue stop a sin's world hat. I wear this because I have to keep telling myself I'm Lucifer to make sense out of being in this thing which allowed me to spend my $ and destroyed my credit rating.
I watch the video where I throw Dale Carnegie on my roof top in hell's kitchen and I'm manipulated into burning the book Arun gave to me from Easton that I used to place my dream diaries and wrote my religion. Helicopters are in this video, they were for me then not literally but I'm told this. The last time I saw helicopters is when we were attacked by Bloomberg in zuccatti park. I am a living ghost, a new york legend now apart of a revolution. Bloomberg attacked our park. Bloomberg will have a watergate.

And the public don't dwell on my transmission
'Cause it wasn't televised
But it was the turning point
Oh what a lonely night

-Little Nemo

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 393/8 james hughes days 

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