

Saturday, November 26, 2011

james hughes and I will destroy this shit

I refuse to loose or bow before others I don't understand why it's a requirement for me to have an identity crisis. This seems to be one of the plot lines developed on the other end/. I refuse this. Their goal is for there to be no such thing as me. I then have to reconstruct myself. I will not live as a human game.  Where stars make dreams where dreams make stars. On the way to zuccatti park I see this guy with marilyn manson eyes, I say oi but he misses the hello and this bothers me. The impressions claim he knows I tell myself every other day I'm moving to London when this shit is over. Nobody knows I exist or live with occupy wall street. The broadway mcdonalds is dead and awkward tourist nyc without the cards. I feel this great sadness for what this place was. There's nothing beautiful in here now, just mcdonalds public. A man with a cat on his head is on broadway. I speak to cats every time I encounter one. Give up the fight. I used to only see people in strawberry fields in John Lennon murder anniversary. I wear a strawberry fields button which represents the elder new yorkers who help me on the other end people we get from the bloomberg dimension. "Occupy Tulsa stand with occupy nyc" "we're occupying wall street we're never going away" this makes me happy, the unity despite the death of tents after the attack. I still swear watergate on bloomberg. Knitting for ows occupants women from the paper is here today. I will start filming letters to you soon. I hate the flowers in the park, each tree and plant represents the death of our beautiful base. I meet Jade/Requiem @ charlotte's which is closed, we search for others for a direct action on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Shout "occupy wall street" affront the media. Use the media for media attention. We need to use the media for free attention for occupy. From Jahan I learn about "the arrestables" who's goal is to have a symbolic arrest record for our political movements. Jahan is a training attorney to get our people out of arrests. The movement has to come together around owning a tv station for this to last beyond a decade or the F.B.I. will take us out.

In the level of mental space there's absolute control of mental space on the other end, none of this is me. I have to create my own mental space even with the medication there was too much control on the other side. Hughes and me get into the train I'm fucked if I don't get $. Need to panhandle and I keep focus on the angel lucifer on my class status I look at my reflection I'm forced to panhandle somebody is controlling my eyes but they never stole my love of the upper class, JFK is this symbol who took the prototype to adderall and was murdered by the bush family (as was JFK jr).
I need to return to williamsburg with $ and my medication promote the creational idea of a tv station through my eyes and this hell via trying to fuck Natalie Portman I need to get to the other side of this, during this period of time when I tried to get Hughes and I pfizer for a williamsburg tv station on Natalie Portman's set I have someone take a photograph of me eating skittles and smoking a cigarette with her, then somebody places child Mike @ 15 into me. They tell me that Kevin from childhood is on the set, they start mentioning all of this shit from childhood and my book that I have no idea about on the other end, what the fuck they're talking about. I'm supposed to take them over the perceptions they build with the little nemo religion. Somebody manipulates my medication tells me that I become the other me, a connecticut version of me. This hard nothing to do with reality, I'm supposed to get rid of these people with meditation but I never do and whoever the fuck is on the other end creates something on their end that has nothing to do with trying to make a brooklyn tv station out of a new york city economy/religion.
Modern day ->
On rockaway avenue I reflect on the Sarah Ritch globe where Manhattan upper class represent Democratic/Republican. Where Caroline Kennedy is my symbol of this. These are references in my mind
to when the world reflects reality, my true beliefs and economic status. The reason to be illumanti is to destroy the neo conservatives. These notebooks I keep writing these notes in are piling up.
The people on the other end don't want me to have any form of control on my own end, or want me to disagree with Hughes so they can bring back a world where I have to summon people to steal, to eat, to find clothing and everything is associated to defeating a villain. Where I owe everything to someone else.

And if I fuck me I'll fuck me in my own way.

I didn't see this fucking dead kid ryan who never got me my medication in a hospital in bridgeport years ago in this hell while listening to this to associate to bowing before others. I was not raised by Gunnar Agerholm to bow before people. They've made me a fuck up and force me to sleep to invent a world.
I listen to the Arcade Fire. This means class status. The reason I refuse to listen to a cd player despite somebody having stole my iPod. Because Apple means class status.
Because I will die before I let these people on the other end make me apart of the lower class.

I'm pretty sure they want me to endlessly carry the notebooks. Or they want me to bow before the girl I dated when I was 15. I will die before I bow before these people. This will be your $, the $ from this shit.
In childhood I spent every weekend at the Agerholm's this is where I get my Fairfiel roots.
I notice the back of the notebook I didn't label has "in 98 we all rotate" this is a message in art to myself from one of the fragments in my soul. 

I refuse to play this as a game. The people on the other end make it difficult to write directly what I have in the notebook. It takes all day with the seizures and the arguments about christie cummings and their artwork through my body. I have to get whoever the fuck this is to go away.
They argue with me about nothing and attempt to put me to sleep.
The art is segmented by #s. I refuse to play this as a game. Not in my fucking body.

I love you. Nobody else on this earth despite the amount of years I was lied to about speaking to you through my fucking body and the worthless hell I live in. A reality worse than suicide.

-Little Nemo

A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 397/8
james hughes days 

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