

Saturday, January 21, 2012

20 mg is still nốt Mỹ Real prescription. After i stay úp For 24 hours i have a little bit moẻ ôf Mỹ personality in me. Everything I write is associated to somebody on the other end I just fucking want Harvey weinsteins name to go away, I want somebody to tell me who runs this system/program I'm in I don't want to have to do the meditation/panhandle for an iPod. I don't know what to do about this woman who tells me she's bunny Caldwell from cruel intentions and she wants to fuck me/rebuild me as a man, she has the power to reverse sleep, she tells me really sexy shit it's like Jessie in rock and roll high school fucking doctor Vadar (which would be really sexy and could have saved Corey Feldman's career, who I additionally love and wonder if he was ever involved in this since I watched the bikini bandits daily in bushwick ave in 08 when one of the people is next door. I would have been the young republicans in this film and I keep remembering Whitney they keep erasing my thoughts and the girl on the other end sends me this MSG in prison they keep erasing my thoughts and I need an iPod/my meds/meditation to gather thoughts. The glasses I wear represent deciding I'm republican I'll be Caitlin-republican and create you a tv station despite amnesia and the fact that I'm not in a tv show but a reality perception project. I swear to fuck all of this is true I wouldn't have problems if my fucking insurance didn't run out and my prescript didn't go from 20 - $400. I am bob from this film I want the fucking girl who cums to her stock portfolio but these are symbols that my mind is working that I didn't run out of my medication and get turned into a child democrat as a safety precaution for me to panhandle on days I don't count. Thoughts can be moved but I don't count days without meds. It's snowing in manhattan. I once named this slumberland from the comic. I love you.

-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A Caitlin Rodriguez production
Little Nemo on hbo
Black Caitlin heart
The school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 453/8 James Hughes days

8 is the number of cocaine at Brooklyn parties James Hughes attends in the memory of a boy who doesn't believe in the human soul but lives in the thought diagram esoteric religion of NYC

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