

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

eminem will lead me out of this shit (as a psychological muse against people who want to insert child emotions to control me)

A letter to caitlin rodriguez of williamsburg brooklyn who will own the tv station little nemo, the symbol and word of which condemns all of man,
I overtake the system that I live in. I use the scramble for my own. My hatrid of the past is represented by gunnar agerholm I go to war with everyone on the other side I live by my hate all are republican I am republican
my hatrid for the world of little leads me to the conclusion that I must abide by my own world and I must create my own outside everyone's version of artwork I must control this system my hatrid of humanity must guide me I must have something that is me separate from the others I will not have everything I say controlled by people I will not have my childhood in connecticut guide each and every thing I do fuck every childhood references fuck everything that happened before I moved to n.y.c. fuck the past fuck all memories
everything before 2004 is shit

This is another message where the woman I'm trying to marry me threatens me to overtake the system which others have invented, in one version they scramble my words in another version there is a small child in me who is affected by everything that happens they attempt to keep me in a world of childhood
there is nothing I hate more in my artwork and life than childhood.
I create a system that I created in meditation that 23 times I move around my hand thinking of gunnar's cancer and the past the death of this man as my power my disdain for the past as my power that this would be the soul of eminem this would be my way to use my past in art and to represent boilerroom and greed and a world a real world not a world where "good and evil" are decided by people who hold me hostage in my mind and want to believe there's a world or a person who believes in shit like this.

There is nothing I hate more than the past.

I love you.

I will create a religion that brings the soul energy of the world to you.

-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 449/8 james hughes days

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