
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

month of may. need medication + $. Thank you for reading the attempt to create a tv station in williamsburg, brooklyn out of occupy wall street and the economy from the illumanti. I need somebody from the project to come and help or I will be placed to sleep without my medication for 12 hours a day until I find the medication this is when I write on caitlinrodriguezhusbandatoccupywallst and do not/cannot count the days moralistic and psychologically

I keep writing in this blog because it's the only one whoever reads this reads. The people on the other end are trying to control my writing and whoever claims to be james hughes told me to write in this one I e-mailed adbusters I need to find someone who knows about conspiracies whoever is in me erases my thoughts daily I don't have my medication or enough to get them out I'm too down in the system that I live in to get them out I need a human ego to get rid of them I have to fear a jail record and am threatened daily. I created a flirtation with a girl on the other end which has become something like my childhood relationship with vada from "my girl" but more of a hostage Patty Hearst way. James Hughes created two systems off the focus on my medication but "lucifer" has no problem getting $.
I need somebody to find out who runs this project or somebody to blatantly come up to me and give me the medication and if possibly a fucking iPod so I can get these people out of me.
James Hughes (I believe) or the person I've named Phi Delta Thai (1 person) <- after the frat matthew mahabadi was in, in the University of Hartford (who may have been involved in this project/I'm pretty sure was via premium mobile/real paris hilton in 2009) places messages in the killers "spaceman" to help me understand how strong I'm doing in the radio city religion (*surviving inside this game in homeless and panhandling/occupying -> the 6th burrough in "extremely loud & incredibly close"; the only way to make it between event to event/figure out how to get a job in my world/make it to coke parties to promote the tv station through my eyes <-which is reality, until I can get to the other side, which is also life <-this is a level of command, a note to myself)
-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A caitlin Rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 466/8 james hughes days

i'm told harvey weinstein at random is involved in this project not because he is but because it's a threat also my memory is erased to create little nemo (occupy wall street/christianity) I don't have an iPod to sing to caitlin daily at 5am, which is the time I previously made newspapers/pamphlets in penn station/williamsburg, brooklyn when I was told a tv show was filmed called "silver tiles" to promote the tv station's creation/to help me get out of this project which at the time I didn't understand meant keeping my psychological ego together/finding me the medication and beating homelessness to bring the project's $ to the selected god: caitlin rodriguez since "the month of may" 2011.
At this time I get out harvey and bob weinstein. They are also taken off the project (or whoever was digitally/infa red on my eye placing thoughts/perceptions into me)
I am able to interact with the actual project via my medication, I have an ipod/ipad at this point.
With cigarettes/$/focus I get people out, I fail purposely to get them out mostly in rounds outside starbucks because of a false caitlin who I believe I call "premium mobile" and am trying to marry. This is partially james hughes creation. Also something i see appropriate since she has taken your place in controlling the project as god, or at least your role while james organizes everything.
I believe at this time Richard Hilton plays your father.

Whoever reads this I am out of $ in this project and insurance from s.v.a. and need somebody to bring me my medication/I do not understand how to sign up for medicaid as I have never been homeless and have always considered being associated to this insulting as I am forced into this situation (and do not consider myself homeless but unpaid in this project)

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