

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

good ol' fashioned nightmare

I can't have the person on the other end threaten me. This project which is based off my mind and medication has either tricked me from the start to go off the medication or has threatened to call my doctor and get my doctor to not give me the medication. People hide in portions of my mind, in fear and create entire perspectives/worlds. My thoughts are held back from the woman who I've named pearl forester who has become powerful because of my fetish. I get through the day through the thing that's the hand thing.
There's a person who plays the role of doubt, there's a person who threatens to tell me I'm crazy but they speak through me.
They stop emotional thoughts/observational thoughts because during a seizure which is caused by a smell created by a retina pattern that I've named jesus christ art star/rap star with the girl I named christie ward today I told the metronews/gunnar guy that I desire clothing over emotional depth. The person who I've labeled the democrat/metronews has this humor function with the seizure now.
I prefer clothing and to avoid smelling like piss over in depth thoughts, this is not something I have to choose between. With focus and music I can get these people out of this function in my mind.
If I don't get this person out/have new music there's a person who plays the previous song I heard (who once got me up to shower with the seizure) the people on the other end pause my thoughts, I can feel this but there's no reason for this.
Before James Hughes got rid of "john blaney" in the system of telling me only what I know he was in every song and at the disposal of anyone who was on the other end, republican, democrat, pearl forester harvey weinstein (or whoever claims to be this person built an entire world out of this person/you/ashley olsen and the music video one hit wonder and the year 1997)
I need an iPod at this point and my medication, essentially I'm fine as long as I have the medication.
The people on the other end threaten to take this from me or have my doctor think I'm insane I cannot be trapped in this project for the rest of my life. It's based on art and mentality, focus, thoughts and electronics there's this small thing that looks like the letter 's' that erases my thoughts which I can get out with focus.
Out of the $ from this I want to create a television station, I wanted this to be pfizer but this system/universe appears to work in either metaphors/believes places to be symbols.
I have the death of gunnar agerholm/an x over his name as a symbol of what needs to get done/return to the real world. This is where I'm currently at, having an argument with two people on a computer over weather this man will serve as a symbol in my world.

There's no point in not going the direct way christie ward has me go she's restoring the artwork/explainations of the blogs and the nightmare that I go through everyday.
I will not allow the people on the other end to control the artwork.

I love you

-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 443/8 james hughes days 

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