

Monday, January 30, 2012

west park church. repeat pattern. attacks on self confidence/ability to grow thoughts

the spokes council decided west park church should not exist but this fucks me because I have people speaking through me threatening my ability to get my medication somewhere on their computer their making it so my thoughts won't grow and using smells to move through my mind, entering the part of the eye that controls faith and memory today's argument is over weather or not I do what Hughes said, to leave this fucking place on the upper west side I use the internet on but I rarely get the ability to try and gain back mental facilities. It's far too unfair of a game and the only reason the repeat pattern has any form of fairness is because of what James Hughes built. I have to fight homelessness or people enter my body when I go too long without showering.

-Little Nemo

13 is not the # I was looking for from the bible

Apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 463/8 james hughes days

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