

Friday, January 27, 2012

To adbusters/Kaelle Lasn

It's customary I write to caitlin, I'm writing directly to you because I just e-mailed you. I'm hoping that you will directly contact me at this blog or find me at occupy wall street or e-mail me at my sva address. Everything I say is true, the project promised alot of $ but requires me to reach a place of freedom within my mind I haven't felt since 2007 since they manipulated me into an institution. I'm hoping through this letter and reading my blog you can find who runs the project/that they will contact you directly. I keep running out of $/they will not pay me/I ran out of insurance for the medication that is the basis of the project. I live at occupy wall street.

-Little Nemo

(if you are from adbusters please click on my profile and read my other blogs, these include links to my lulu novels/are apart of the project and my attempts to write for help. When I run out of my medication I write on caitlinrodriguezhusband) 

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