

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

project explaination/i still have amnesia have to take out others create art need iPod

my ideas are brilliant for williamsburg and the use of the cash. I'm still in the same project but I'm looking over what I wrote in 2008. Whatever fortune is in this will be yours, I didn't want to loose my life to this project. You have to know this is happening, either you know about this or the girl who save me who I love is doing everything in your name. My thoughts are being paused but I'm going to continue reading through my old blogs. I don't want my thoughts paused if it gets to the point that there's nothing to write about I won't write.  I need new music I'm being taught this perhaps the real you is involved in this project you have to stay god in this in my world I can't have this change there's people on the other end and I have no idea who they are. Some of them help me, the majority except harvey weinstein who's name is used to torment me. I very much love the girl who's helped me, I cannot imagine days at this point I need to gain access to this use the art religion. I need to live with a belief that you'll marry me. Something in my mind attacks this but for many years it's gotten me through the days in a project that has no end. The concept of marrying the girl on the other end gives me emotions if somebody has taken care of me for years in this project, I can't particularly believe that somebody cares about me enough to stay on this project for years knowing what's done to me and that others on the other end will take control, I need to keep a form of beliefs I keep you as god in this project in this I make it so you will get the $ everything is destroyed in my existence without you as far as I understand whoever 'she' is has worked to save me as people destroy my thoughts my thoughts are paused in this moment this happens and then I'm asked a question. Nobody has ever asked me a question on the other end or implied that they will marry me. The only implication has been that you'd appear one day but I never believed that you'd appear when I didn't shower for six days and only made artwork I couldn't imagine you appearing. It implies that at some point I'll find the girl who I last spoke to when I was directly acknowledged. Whoever is on the other end keeps adding layers they make it difficult. I'm going to find my way to the other side I need the girl who was there when this started and the project decided to overtake my life to explain to me what is happening I need to get down this astral focus every small fucking focus I have to control every part of my mind there are people in my mind who show me a map of nyc how to panhandle how to survive and keep control of my mind I'm stuck at the first level of this it can't take this long and I keep sleeping I found a comfortable place in the church I live in but that's not entirely the journey but I need a place with james hughes rachel leigh cook keeps connecting the art that was the project but it doesn't change the people on the other end when I create art in particular parts of town/create grids that doesn't change them I need my own laptop every time I seizure and get kicked out of the apple store I'm hurting myself unless I want to act all the time 24/7

It takes emotions to get to the next level missing my friends from the dorm being separated from the world loving the girl who saves me I have to fight or harvey weinstein will make this go on for the rest of my life

Its and mo religion. Childhood friend I didn't know but felt I should have protected empowered with my home who's parents shit on him for smoking pot so he hung himself. The purity. The need to create a tv station to protect to emo flock of the world. In williamsbnurg, brooklyn. This is my bond with rachel leigh book who works to save me.

amensia erases my thoughts i'm tp forget williamsburg brooklyn and the dream tv station but I remember this despite no longer writing williamsburg brooklyn on myself daily, a message to myself that i'm a hostage i am not apart of the regular world

but we got people from bloomberg (now maybe there will be a tv station @ the end of this)

when I get stuck in insanity I have to label it jesus christ art star
there are no emotions/memories/i don't remember jail record I walk into every tore and tell myself i'm eminem whatever has to be done has to be done

whoever is pearl forester has a smell/sexual function trying to control my base
i think of these people as demons with james hughes as my guardian angel/protective talisman

i have to stop seizuring i can build emotional moments off events

the people broadcasting into me have a sound wave that says serve the weinstein company

i want tio pull off impressing female who's played you throughout this/has a daily relationship now with me. I haven't had a daily relationship with anyone for a long time, I in part understand I'm talking to james hughes, I used to speak to my enemy who now plays my friend at times but this is only to harm me I can't i imagine this person helping me the deep down belief is he was always out there helping me/isn't against me if it was a false play world (this written into me) but i do not trust this, he will harm me.

I love you.

-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 435/8 james hughes days
A Caitlin Rodriguez Production

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