

Friday, January 13, 2012

you say party! we say die!

everything I live through is literally the inspiration of twin peaks, I'm this kid that these fucking people found and decided to trap me in my mind and in time. There's a guy on the other end who wants to trap me inside my mind because I was a democrat in 2006 they won't let me go and don't care about days or nights, all of my visualaxis vlog shows from 2008 represent how I'm trapped in time, I just want to party/fuck/live in williamsburg, brooklyn I'm trying to restore this artwork/the symbolism of what this is with a girl I named goddess today who's been speaking to me and used to live next door to me in brooklyn.
I've decided James Hughes as ceo of this tv station but I can't prove that I spoke to him when I invented silver tiles as a method to retrieve me from this, an indigo church in 2008 in brooklyn.
I've decided that he'll be the ceo of the channel because he represents reality before these people trapped me in my fucking me. I keep grabbing "monster" soft drinks but not because of the drink, because of this girl I call goddess but I get trapped in my mind and these things I do are symbols from when the people would directly acknowledge me/when they were next door to me and would knock and bang when I said something in my mind, but they never let me go. I run out of medication and get trapped in time.

I love you. which is somebody's mental key/growth key. maybe goddess.

Its about having solid thoughts not about being democrat or republican.

-little nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A Caitlin Rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on HBO
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 445/8 james hughes days 

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