

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

caitlin (who lives in williamsburg), 
Please don't let harvey weinstein be apart of this project, he's trying to overtake the project to either take the $/decide what gets created or to control the artwork. I run out of the medication and the people on the other end make it so I cannot move/under your name they help me. Whoever is on the other end teaches me how to survive in nyc, what to write on my blog incase the top level people don't want to release me, incase the top level people won't pay me, I call them demons.  Some part of my mind might believe them to be spirits otherwise, not literally but deep down I'm trying to tell myself there probably isn't a god if this happened to me and if there was he probably spoke to lasn to create occupy wall street, but somebody on their computer then represents my spiritual perspective and I got to this place by killing gunnar in artwork which means I no longer want to be apart of being trapped inside my mind, I want to return to people who are doing blow and in williamsburg I want to exit my mind this is possible because of 10019 I have to keep renaming the girl who's helping me somewhere out there you know this is happening on your birthday you placed in the part of my mind that controls me smoke releasing whatever dream one of the bloombergs placed in me to keep me afraid of smoking.
There's the possibility that you don't know this is happening in which case the girl who is caitlin who is not caitlin is the one doing all of the work on my end of the project there's only a small group of people who know I exist and that I'm in this project I know my roommates from 2223A know about this because they were downstairs in hells kitchen I heard brock's phone ring I know whoever runs this told people from the real world to keep me associated to my people in my generation to create me a world that would be relatable to somebody my age, this is the reason I asked for you to be god of this project, to inherit the fortune to own the tv station every word you have ever said to me has kept me alive through this which has no interest in freeing me hughes and she prefers to be called a woman have to save me reprogram me when I run out of medication they leave me unable to create thoughts. This is why I'm little nemo for his three candies.
This is why you are the princess; the girl from childhood I always loved but could never have.
Somewhere in my mind girl with name invented artwork from childhood that will become real that keeps me alive while somebody on a computer somewhere works to create my mind emotions longing for you and williamsburg, brooklyn for pratt for art school for my tribe of the school of visual arts
I will play the same songs until the end of time I will create new songs in moments with girl who is something like kim has created my way out my memory is erased daily until I take this out but I need the focus to do this.
I will write more later.
Someday you will know about this, or you do now and maybe you read my blog. The only evidence is on the internet. Which the woman I love had me create a blog to keep evidence of this.
I do not want to be apart of the human soul amorc people if they signed me on for this.

i love you

still living off memory fumes of you as I attempt to create art to create a tv station with james hughes having the only evidence that I exist, unless somebody else logs and captures from their computer my existence
there are people on the other end who help me, those who helped me get my medication will be ceos.
I love you caitlin. I have to beat threats/a small child is placed into me for me to separate from reality.
I thank everyone who helps me daily, demons/jesus christ art star helps me to get through stealing. panhandling whatever I need to do to get through the day. Please somebody get me to the other side of this project. People stopped sending me the messages for a period of time. They leave me in this, people saying the same thing all the time. I didn't think it was possible for this to end maybe it isn't but I need to recognize what is happening, you need to be god in my world I cannot have the name harvey weinstein associated to me in any way, i'm forced to say this name threatened by the name and somebody let him into this project he was a creative concept (if I was trapped in time forever and we sold this to the weinstein company, one company's name then no matter what year it will work) the one I take is no matter when I reach the end I will assure what fortune I own I make I create a tv station and give this station ownership to you/the billions from this will be yours. This is an endless god, based off the shy emotions and the dream of being amongst your friends in williamsburg freedom from the suburbs art school. Caitlin rodriguez is god, people who will chant this maybe when I'm freed from this project.

I love you caitlin for many years I have lived trapped in this.
I need the world to not exist that I called skittles the world where "i'm homeless" whoever is on the other end of these conversations have to at some point pay me.
I need to reach reality.
The ages of my existence seem to be based on the reflection of tv babies.
[Drugstore cowboy quote here.]

-little nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 435/8 james hughes days

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