

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

there is no end to what I once labeled manhatta. I don't ask for torment it comes on it's own and I ask a girl on the other end who I dream as a golddigger to save me. Emotional depth in hell.

the sane thoughts don't stay long. pearl forester will come in with the feeling of wanting to fuck a republican woman and take away these thoughts for everything to match. The memory of when I was acknowledged in this project before they decided to take over my life or attempt to force me to make mediocre artwork, everyone is either dead or thinks I'm crazy my real life is tarnished with my impoverished childhood my redneck past my reference which then gets paused for me to look up the band the person on the other end then says something into me, it becomes pointless to write after the ben folds five reference. I don't know what the original purpose of these people were or what place they had in this when I was planning this with the girl I named christie cummings today, I watch Johnny Cash Hurt and I see the footage from childhood in my music videos, the project of the girl I named christie cummings the thesis year I never had and the mystery of the people who entered my apartment and saught to create a place in my mind where I'd feel guilt for anything. One of them asked me if I became homeless why I'd ever exit my mind; $, $ is the only reason I'd want to come back to the real world after something like this. It's still the only reason to exit hell.

I love you. I pray to you with three sugars which I once used in the queens court in rikers island.
The sorrow of living and the sin of this thing forcing me to find anyway to find my medication to get out and the worthless days without. I love you.

-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 442/8 james hughes days 

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