

Monday, January 9, 2012

plastic soul

77 = life as a movie
on the nyu calendar this meant i marry you

the images in film noir / the 1920s I'm linking these together in my original thoughts sandra navidi must have saved all of these images/sexuality/paris hilton meant republican people; successful people; personal perspective and disdain for the poor. The original argument against me inside my mind was that I side with the wealthy but have $ because of student loans. I'm currently in an argument for what will be my personal symbols I also have an argument with one of the people on the other end over emotional depth which is directly associated to voting democrat. Republican seems to directly help me although has hurt me in the past sandra navidi is directly explaining to me what's happening while james hughes links the art together
the people on the other end have consumed too many parts of me and been successful in helping me to the extent that the parts of me cannot conflict there is not enough time in the day for them to conflict because it's the same person and they will not come to me
the only thing there is for me to do is to evolve. Learn to do whatever I have to in order to survive make $ get laid get into bars and exist until I figure out how to make this machine exit me from this world/get whoever is on the other end tell me where they live/how to get paid out of this.

-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 441/8 james hughes days 

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