

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm at the lowest psychological level and I don't have medication to get to the higher levels. I just need to generate thoughts and the project keeps erasing my thoughts, I don't have $ or a credit rating or a credit score the basis of the project is my medication and mind but I don't have the time to figure out how in my mind to get to the higher levels and I can't beat the places in west end park church I shouldn't have this problem on my medication the thoughts shouldn't cause emotions to pause there are all these people who block and hide the emotions and parts of my mind which they want me to forget, what my real mental status was on my medication and my genius is actual, real. Whoever is speaking to me is now from the lower mental plane/speaks to me on the lower mental plane I don't know who the person I named Chloe Sebvigny is today but she reminds me of things that happened that I forget in the amnesia they've given me that I dreamed of Sarah Neufeld breaking into my [I let Chloe Sevigny break into my dorm room at this point but this feature/concept is not turned on]

west end park church = my picture with michael moore but I'm too afraid of people knowing who I am to do this somebody just told me this I have amnesia but the people on the bottom are helping me

the project went differently than it was supposed to I suppose I was supposed to know what I'm talking about in 2007 but right now I still think it's 2007

all of these blogs are supposed to represent my way back to reality

they pause my thoughts when I have a plan to figure out the messages to me that they leave in my blogs that require my medication and deciphering what i'm being told like the bible code in my universe

I need symbols simple symbols that I can live by when somebody pauses my thoughts

the goal is to earn/to create/to gain media on the internet
this is the goal of "little nemo on hbo"
to create the hipster king
out of the body of christopher mastronardi

i'm not supposed to label
i'm not supposed to name
i'm going to create little nemo (christianity) now
because as little nemo (christopher) i'm to at all times: live and serve you. Live with the belief that I've sold my human soul to you. Sing to you every morning (as a tribute to caitlin rodriguez, princess caitlin, the hipster queen of williamsburg, brooklyn)
I create formulas in crosses as base symbols that create realms/perceptions and worlds when James Hughes chooses to do this.

I'll write what the demons say/respond to them in this blog
coldplay clocks

there's an infa red light all I have to do is focus and with emotion I can get rid of the fucking thing on my eye that allows a high pitch sound wave to day and night broadcast an irritant sound into my mind
all it requires is adderall and music/emotion there are higher levels in this there are levels when the people speak directly into me somebody on their computer somewhere will not come to me amnesia erases the fact that I can do this daily the people on the other end log this to create a paused thought man/to save some portion of me when I run out of my medication I know all of this but all they have to do is come and give me my medication and then I'm fine I can interact with this fucking project but they don't

there's $ in this billions in the end we're going to turn into a tv station in williamsburg, brooklyn

-little nemo

apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 456/8 james hughes days 

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