

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

people who tried to save me thus far. Richard Hilton [who is literally richard hilton, maybe the guy republican], PDT [under the title bones+getting the medication], James Hughes, me, princess zero [in all ways of undoing the name of harvey weinstein, inevitably I become josh weinstein of williamsburg, brooklyn]

I don't know much about the year 2012. I'm a time capsule of the concept of paris hilton trapped in time clubbing in williamsburg, brooklyn. Is the economy bad? Are people sad? Are their spirits broken? Is there such a thing as a national mentality anymore? I no longer know or understand this. Is the president Democrat or is he a representation of paris hilton on nylon magazine and all that matters is fashion; that if wealthy girls who say hot from L.A. continously promote you anyone can become the president, this is the only way to create black J.F.K. I don't care about the political party I care about recreating the 90s where the news is about hillary clinton's haircut. I am a child of capitalism as a religion in this hell that I believe in George H.Walker Bush's new world order, then clinton renames this NATO. This is what my bill clinton button means, capitalism. There is nothing without wall street.

I love you.

-Little Nemo

Apart of occupy wall street
A caitlin rodriguez Production
Little Nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 449/8 james hughes days

I have been trapped in my hell for many years. At one point richard hilton attempts to build me out of my creative world which gets invented off my medication. The key is to keep me properly medicated so I don't get lost in new york city. At some point I have to destroy the hands, what they build, on the other hand they now represent Live Astro on grand street in williamsburg, brooklyn; hip hop fashion in brooklyn.
The only thing is the hands can pull this off. The other thing is they'll reappear after I destroy them, except they slowly fill my world until I with amensia don't remember the blatent instructions on returning to the real world that princess zero keeps telling me. This is what happens everytime and the reason it's 2012.
In 2006 James evolved my mind, I purchased every wealth and sex talisman on the internet.
Then I finished the novel Fairfield, Connecticut and whoever was on the other end attacked my mind.
This is one level one perception of reality. I never complete the levels.
Gunnar is now bad.
Now that I understand this I have completed the seizure level of little nemo (christopher)

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